Easy Thanksgiving Dessert

Having an easy Thanksgiving dessert recipe that even the kids can make is truly something to be grateful for.

Generally, I love Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday centered on being grateful. I think that’s amazing, and I think we could all use a little more of that. You know what I don’t love? The expectations everyone puts on it. Could it BE any more stressful?

Pumpkin hand pies are a perfect Thanksgiving treat and an easy dessert.

Personally, we are at a stage in life where we’re hosting very small get togethers. And yet, it’s still days and days of cooking for even a small gathering. If you want it all home made, you have to start on Sunday before Thanksgiving Thursday. Yeah. I don’t do that anymore.

I like to serve a selection of homemade, semi homemade and store bought food to fill out the table. Otherwise, it’s too much work to prepare all the day’s food. Today’s recipe falls in the semi homemade category.

Be honest. Would you care that these are semi homemade if you saw them on the buffet?

I didn’t think so! They are the perfect amount of crisp and the flavor is so rich everyone will think you spent hours and hours making them. In reality, these can be baked as a low stress dessert item, and they store beautifully at room temperature in a sealed bag or dish.

If you look carefully, there is a fun little surprise that is certain to delight any Harry Potter fans you might have on the guest list.

That’s a lightening bolt vent in the top of that little pumpkin treat, that you can call Pumpkin Pasties: a favorite treat enjoyed by the golden trio at Honeydukes.

Kids and teenagers can be kind of on the bored side at these family affairs. So surprise them with something that is sure to appeal to their fandom. Actually just about anyone under 35 is going to smile when they find these sitting on the buffet.

This easy Thanksgiving recipe uses store bought pie dough, canned pumpkin and butterscotch chips.

Brush them with egg wash and sprinkle with sparkling sugar before baking. Certainly any sort of vent you wish to cut is fine, but I thought the lightening bolt was really cute.

measured ingredients for pumpkin hand pies

It’s really that simple! Here’s my video that shows the complete instructions. After that you will find the recipe that is ready for printing.

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closeup of pumpkin handpies

Pumpkin Pastry for Thanksgiving

  • Author: Pattymac
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 12 1x


Delicious semi homemade pumpkin hand pies


  1. 1 cup canned Pumpkin
  2. 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  3. 1/2 cup brown sugar
  4. Package of Ready madePie Dough
  5. Butterscotch chips
  6. 1 egg
  7. Sparkling sugars for decoration



  • Preheat oven to 450F.
  • Line a flat baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Mix pumpkin filling by combining canned pumpkin, spices, and brown sugar. Set aside.
  • Cut out pie dough in desired size and shape. I used cookie cutters.
  • You will need TWO shapes for each hand pie. A top and a bottom
  • Lightly brush bottom layer with water.
  • Spoon a heaping teaspoon of pumpkin filling onto bottom layer.
  • Sprinkle on chips. 7 chips is a good amount.
  • Lay second piece over top, and crimp all the way around with a fork.
  • Brush lightly with egg wash.
  • Cut vent on top.
  • Bake 15 minutes.


  • Follow the baking instructions on the pie dough package that you are using.
  • I used cookie cutters to cut my shapes, but you could use a glass or a mason jar lid. You could also cut out shapes for your pies if desired.
  • These store well in a covered container on the counter top for several days.
  • You could lightly reheat them with a microwave and add vanilla ice cream if desired.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American
portrait of the author in her kitchen

Hi there, I’m Patty.

Sewist, Baker, Maker

I love figuring out new ways to use pom poms, where I can stash more fabric, and I’m always wondering what to bake next…chocolate or lemon? When not dreaming up new things to make (or bake), I love riding my beach cruiser on the Boardwalk, escaping to mid week movie matinees, and planting new things in my tiny but mighty container garden.

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