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Bunny Ear Bag
You’ve seen those darling little treat bags all over Pinterest. Now let’s learn how to make one using today’s Bunny Ear Bag tutorial. Bunnies are everywhere in spring which is why my garden is set…
Cross Quilt Pattern
To celebrate Easter, enjoy constructing this beginner friendly wall hanging with a free Cross Quilt Pattern. Most of the Cross Quilt Pattern samples I’ve seen use a variation on the log cabin block. They are…
DIY Zipper Tote Bag
You know you want to sew your own bags, but the mortal fear of bag construction leaves you hiding in a closet. Today, it’s time to put that fear to rest. We’re going to talk…
How to Box Corners
If you found your way here, then no doubt you’ve embarked on the fun journey known as bag making. And you’ve hit a wall. The question is, “How to box corners in a bag project?”…
How to Can Tomatoes
It sounds like such a simple thing doesn’t it? When I expanded my garden a couple of years ago, I began to learn all I could about food preservation. I didn’t want to give all…
Easiest way to freeze Tomatoes
Summer is generally a time of huge garden bounties, and figuring out what to do with all the extras can be a little stressful. Instead of giving it all away, considering utilizing different methods of…
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