Fabric Storage
Most articles on the internet about the subject of fabric storage call for using bins or filing cabinets (or your closet) to corral those pretty prints.
What if there was an easy and inexpensive way to turn your sewing room into something akin to a quilt shop? Do quilt shops display fabric in bins or filing cabinets? Of course not! The prints are displayed on bolts so we can easily see what is available and in turn churn our creative juices off the charts. What if we adopt the bolt idea in our home sewing rooms and use something that simultaneously gives us fantastic fabric storage potential as well as a visual mechanism for inspiration?
Dearest Reader, I give you the MINI BOLT! **applause, applause**
Before you try to tell me that you can just fold your fabrics and get them to look this neat, let me just stop you right there. It’s not possible to have anything this neat with simply folding. Well, if you are Marie Kondo you might be able to do it. But let’s be real.
If we were all living in Kon Marie levels of low clutter, then we would not be in this situation.
You will be glad to hear that not only is it easy to achieve this level of organization in your own sewing room, it’s actually fun to employ this fabric storage technique.
What do we use to create this fabric organization bliss? I’m so glad you asked!
This post has affiliate links to products I use and love. If you buy something I can make a small commission, so thanks in advance. 🙂
Comic Book Boards are a brilliant way to employ fabric organization and storage in your sewing room. Using them ensures each mini bolt is approximately the same size allowing for a neater presentation.
Comic book boards come in a few different sizes, but I found I liked this set cut 6 3/4″ x 10 1/2″.
How to fold fabrics using Comic Book Boards:
Lay out your fabric selvage to selvage.
Bring the fold line over to meet the selvages. Smooth the fabric out.
Take one comic book board and lay it on top of the fabric, close to one edge. Fold over about 3″ of fabric, and snug it in firmly.
Continue to fold the fabric over and over. You are basically winding the fabric around itself to create the mini bolt. Make sure it’s snug so the fabric folds over neatly.
When coming to the end of the fabric, fold the raw edge under for a neat look. Secure at top and bottom using coated paper clips. Regular metal paper clips or pins can rust over time in humid conditions.
Your completed mini bolt of fabric, secured with paper clips; a beautiful, neat, and organized fabric storage solution.
Benefits to folding your fabric into mini bolts for fabric storage:
- It looks 100% better than piles of irregular bits of fabric here there and every where. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. 🙂
- Freeing your fabrics from bins or drawers and getting it all out in front of you will open your eyes to so many new possibilities.
- You actually know what you have. It’s all there in front of you, so you can see your stash with clear eyes. This prevents repurchasing something you already had. And when it’s time to select prints for a new project, you can easily first “shop your stash” instead of making new purchases.
- Organizing by color helps you see where you might have an over abundance of something, or a lack of something else.
- While I did not find this technique to be particularly space saving, I do find it efficient and organized.
- It’s inspiring to see all of you prints in front of you!
Before: a pile of folded fabrics After: the same pile wrapped into mini bolts
You will need shelving to take the biggest advantage of this fabric storage technique. But if you are short on shelves or book cases, you can store your mini bolts in those plastic tubs. It’s still a far more efficient way to see and access what you have.
I’ve found that wrapping all my fabric like this is a revelation of sorts. I found prints I forgot I had. And the last couple of projects I’ve made allowed me to utilize fabric and color combinations I’m not sure would have occurred to me had I not had everything presented in such an easy to access manner.
Enjoy my video where I go into more details about using comic book cards to wrap fabric into mini bolts. I still have my flannel collection to wrap AND…my fat quarters and small cuts still need attention. But that’s the subject for another story.
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Hi! I’m Pattymac
Sewist, baker, maker
I’m a creative lifestyle blogger living and working in Coastal Virginia. When I’m not mixing or stitching or taking pictures, I’m out exploring the cook book section of my favorite library or munching my own home baked cookies at a mid week movie matinee.