Best Chewy Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Behold a recipe is where browned butter meets chocolate chips and yields the ultimate tender, chewy cookie. It’s literally the best, chewy brown butter chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had.

What more you could want in a cookie. Meet my personal recipe for the best chewy brown butter chocolate chip cookies!

Well, there is one hitch to this recipe deliciousness. It takes a little time to make so it’s best if you can plan ahead. The dough requires a cool rest in the freezer before baking, and that part is non negotiable.

But if you can muster a little patience, you will be rewarded with the best ever chewy, browned butter chocolate chip cookies. Just like it says in the headline.

So. How do we make them?

The first step is that you need to brown your butter. This technique requires you to cook your butter slightly on a medium low heat. You are evaporating the water out of the butter, and creating browned bits in the sauce pan. That’s your flavor, and that’s why it’s called browned butter.

This is key. As long as you are careful, you are not going to burn your butter. Don’t rush this step. Don’t turn the saucepan on high, think it’s going to be fine, and cut down the time on this step. You will be very sad to find you ruined perfectly good butter. You see, butter doesn’t do well on high heat. It burns easily. And burned butter is NOT browned butter.

The video in the recipe card will show you how to properly make browned butter. So be sure you watch the whole video.

Once you’ve got your beautiful browned butter, you have a saucepan full of melted butter. Do not make cookies from melted butter, so pour that melted butter, bits and all, into a bowl. Cover it, let it come to room temperature, and put the bowl in the fridge over night so the butter has time to mellow and become cold again.

We will cream the butter and sugar using cold butter right from the fridge. This is how Sherry Yard recommends you handle the butter when making cookies, and I have been doing it the way she recommends. She’s the one with the culinary degree, after all. 🙂

Once you have gone through the brown butter stage, this mixes like any other cookie recipe.

The creamed butter and sugar is a bit different consistency, because the composition of the butter itself is altered having had all that water cooked off. It’s not just a flavor profile that changes when you brown butter. The texture is also very different.

Because the butter is such a different composition, you will get your best results on the cookies if you scoop them and freeze them at least over night. I know nobody likes to chill their cookie dough, but it is such an important step. The cookies have a tendency to spread anyway, so if you don’t chill the dough before baking, they really want to spread out.

Cookies spreading in the oven is pretty common. There is so much butter and sugar in a cookie, and those things are considered liquid ingredients. Why? Because they melt when heat is applied. Having so much in the way of liquid ingredients, it’s tough to have cookies not spread. That’s why chill time is important. It gives the butter time to resolidify before hitting the oven.

Still. Spreading happens.

Chilling helps, but you can also use a large spoon to gently move the edges of your cookie back into place. I’ll show you how to do it in the video. So watch the video in its entirety! 😉

I’ll give you a hint on this diagram. The “secret method” is the result of chilling your dough and the extra secret method is from smooshing those soft cookie borders back towards the middle a little when you first pull your tray of chewy, delicious cookies out of the oven.

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stack of chocolate chip cookies

Best Chewy Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • Author: Pattymac
  • Total Time: 1 hour 14 minutes
  • Yield: 24 1x


Home baked chocolate chip cookies never tasted so good! 


Units Scale
  • 1 cup room temperature browned butter
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 large room temperature eggs
  • 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/8 cup corn starch
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 10 oz Guittard Super Cookie Chips
  • 6 oz Guittard Dark Chocolate Chips


First make the brown butter:

  1. Brown the butter as directed in the video.
  2. Allow brown butter to chill covered in a bowl for 24 to 36 hours in the fridge.

Now make the cookies:

  1. Cream butter and sugar together until well combined.
  2. Add eggs one at a time. Mix until combined.
  3. Add vanilla. Mix until combined.
  4. Sift dry ingredients together and add to wet ingredients.
  5. Mix on low until just combined.
  6. Stir in chocolate chips.
  7. Drop in equal quantity on a prepared cookie sheet.
  8. Refrigerate over night. This is non negotiable.

To Bake:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Prepare a baking sheet by lining with parchment paper
  3. Bake chilled cookie balls for 10 – 12 total minutes.
  4. Allow baked cookies to rest on baking sheet for at least 10 minutes before placing on cooling racks.
  5. If your cookies spread, follow the instructions in the video on how to to fix that.
  • Prep Time: 60
  • Cook Time: 14
  • Category: dessert
  • Method: baking
  • Cuisine: American
woman holding a plate of blueberry muffins in a home kitchen

Hi there, I’m Patty.

Sewist, Baker, Maker

I love figuring out new ways to use pom poms, where I can stash more fabric, and I’m always wondering what to bake next…chocolate or lemon? When not dreaming up new things to make (or bake), I love riding my beach cruiser on the Boardwalk, escaping to mid week movie matinees, and planting new things in my tiny but mighty container garden.

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