Irish Cream Recipe

Love the comfort of Irish Cream, but bristle at the price? Allow me to introduce you to the delicious home made version with an Irish Cream recipe.

I’m more of a baker than a drinker, but I’ve always loved Irish Cream. But my goodness it’s expensive! We’re all trying to save a buck or two these days, so I was thrilled to discover a simple, yet delicious Irish Cream recipe to make my own right in my home kitchen.

If ever there was a time to take up a little drinking, 2023 is the time. Seriously. What. Is. Happening?

Generally recipes are written in a light chirpy voice with a charming story and then BOOM, you get your free printable recipe. Chirping feels like a really weird thing to do right now. However in the interest of providing a welcome distraction from the scary news all around us, this recipe post is going to continue on as normally as possible.

Because who wouldn’t enjoy having a comforting glass (or bottle, no judgement) of homemade Irish Cream?

In case you haven’t noticed, we have entered Easter season. My personal favorite holiday that heretofore remained free of any negativity or trauma. Enter 2020.

I’m not much of a drinker. I traded desserts for booze years ago when I realized the calories and sugar were about the same. I prefer having a slice of cake or a bowl of ice cream over a cocktail any day.

Currently I’m rethinking that choice.

These days, who doesn’t want to drink their chocolate with a whiskey chaser?

Admit it. That got your attention.

Also for my friends who abstain from dairy, you will be thrilled to discover this creamy concoction is easily made dairy free. Yup. Even my vegan friends can enjoy a little vegan Bailey’s to wash away the woes.

The season of Lent is a time of atonement and for giving up certain pleasures. People often pick on chocolate which seems positively barbaric when you consider Easter candy. Who gives up chocolate in the season of Easter Eggs?

Really, is anything more amazing than Easter candy? You can have your Halloween candy. No problem. But keep your mitts off my Robin Eggs and Malted Milk Balls. And don’t deny me this creamy Irish Cream recipe.

We will have words.

The only upside to all this mayhem is nobody is going to find fault in a little day drinking on a Wednesday.

So there’s your “look on the bright side.”

Plus you get to film a cool Instagram story documenting your adventure making your own Irish Cream Recipe at home.

Having a shopping list is crucial these days, and everything here is (normally) available in the grocery store. Except for the booze. At least in the state of Virginia where we have to go to a special store to buy hard liquor. It might be different where you are.

I understand Everclear is a great substitute for rubbing alcohol BTW. As is the cheapest most high test vodka you can find.

Last I heard these items are not on the list of things picked clean from shelves. I don’t know when you’re reading this so I’m not making any promises.

Let’s talk about what we need to make this yummy Irish Cream recipe

Here’s Your Shopping List:

  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Heavy cream
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Vanilla extract
  • Irish whiskey (spring for the Jameson)

Your Vegan alternatives or substitutions are to use:

  • Coconut Cream
  • Light Corn Syrup

Yup. Everybody’s favorite. Coconut Cream works great with this. Get the full fat version in the can. My personal favorite is the kind from Trader Joe. You need the corn syrup to add sweetness. In the Vegan version, we lose the Sweetened Condensed Milk, so we have to add the sugar in from somewhere. I suppose you could use a Rice Syrup if you prefer, but I did not try that.

There is debate regarding whether or not corn syrup is truly a vegan product, so if you are worried, then use your preferred sugar and heat it slightly in a saucepan with the coconut cream. I would suggest a half cup of your preferred sugar should work well.

I sincerely hope this little story gave you at least a small chuckle and a few moments of feeling normal. Remember feeling normal. Sounds like a dream now, doesn’t it?

Keep finding the ordinary moments where you can, because this will eventually pass. Stay safe, stay sane, and keep believing it’s going to get better.

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a glass of IRish cream posed with 2 macarons

Irish Cream Recipe


Enjoy this homemade Irish Cream on its own or in your coffee. A vegan option is included.


Units Scale

Vegan Ingredients:

  • 1tsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 2 14 oz. cans Coconut Cream (I use the Trader Joe Brand. You want the FULL FAT version)
  • 1/2 c light corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 c Irish Whiskey (I used Jameson)

Dairy Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup (235 ml) heavy or whipping cream
  • 1 (14-ounce or 415 ml) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (235 ml) Irish whiskey (I used Jameson)



Vegan Instructions: 

  1. In the bottom of a medium bowl, whisk cocoa powder and a spoonful of coconut cream into a paste.
  2. Slowly, whisking the whole time, add more coconut cream a spoonful at a time until the paste is smooth and loose enough that you can whisk in the rest of the cream in larger splashes.
  3. Once all the coconut cream is in, whisk in the light corn syrup, whisky and vanilla.
  4. Cover with lid or plastic wrap and keep in fridge for up to two weeks.

Dairy Instructions:

  1. In the bottom of a medium bowl, whisk cocoa powder and a spoonful of cream into a paste.
  2. Slowly, whisking the whole time, add more cream a spoonful at a time until the paste is smooth and loose enough that you can whisk the rest of the cream in larger splashes.
  3. Once all of the cream is in, whisk in condensed milk, whiskey and vanilla.
  4. Cover with lid or plastic wrap and keep in fridge for up to two weeks, possibly longer.


A tip on working with this canned coconut cream is to run the whole can through the blender for 20 or 30 seconds so the cream and separated water are incorporated before you start making the recipe. It does separate in the can, and you want it all mixed together before you use it in this recipe.

That’s pretty much it. You can get a little fancier and pour it through a strainer or a cheese cloth so it’s perfect like I have in the pictures here. You can always put some in a martini shaker over ice and serve it cold that way. I personally never put ice into my boozy drinks. I’m a slow drinker and the ice melts and waters down my drink.

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 5
  • Category: cocktail
  • Method: mixing
  • Cuisine: Cocktails

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Hi there, I’m Patty.

Sewist, baker, maker

I love figuring out new ways to use pom poms, where I can stash more fabric, and I’m always wondering what to bake next…chocolate or lemon? When not dreaming up new things to make (or bake), I love riding my beach cruiser on the Boardwalk, escaping to mid week movie matinees, and planting new things in my tiny but mighty container garden.

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